Recruiters must keep current in the ever-changing industry of recruitment to succeed. Continuous training and development improves their abilities while keeping them updated on industry developments. This blog explores the advantages of continual training, emphasising personal development, organisational success, and
Why can’t you cut back on your recruitment marketing during a recession? Cutting back on marketing may seem like an excellent way to save money, which we all want to do, especially during uncertain times. However, if you’re
Defining Business Growth in 2021: Key Trends and Insights The covid-19 pandemic has changed the business growth world and the way employers work, and it looks like the changes are here to stay. But, while we have not
Navigating the Transition Back to Work After Furlough Many people returning from furlough will be feeling anxious and disconnected. There are ways in which companies can help people readjust to working life and removing those concerns. Outdoor
How the Recruitment Industry is Driving Economic Recovery Reports from a recent recruitment industry study by Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) shows recruiters “stepping up through the pandemic to keep the wheels of our economy turning”. With recruiters