Start-up Agency 0-6 months

Established Agency 6 months plus

Why growing a recruitment business is like being a contestant on the “Great British Bake Off”! (1)


What do Mary Berry, Paul Hollywood and the Great British Bake off have in common with growing a recruitment business?

Besides the care, hunger and love each has for their creations, without one vital component, their perfect creations could turn out looking more like an Eton Mess!

Like a recruitment business – individual ingredients when mixed correctly and in the right quantities, turns what looks like a hot mess into something special. Too much of one thing, not enough of the other and you too could have your own Great British Bake Off’s ‘Baked Alaska Gate’…

One of the most important ingredients for recruitment business growth is investing in great people that have the drive and passion to help you achieve your business goals. Mix in a database of good quality clients that understand the value of recruiting highly talented staff and deliver good margins and you’re already simmering your way to success.

Next, whisk in some flexible recruitment finance – low risk funding at 100% that will help bind your business together and support your plans for expansion. This includes reassurance and protection for your recruitment business from any potential bad debts that can damage your success.  

Just like cooking a meal and baking a cake needs preparation, you need to spend the right amount of time on parts of the business that may not be seen – but are still crucial. Selling, training, strategising, analysing and researching are all parts of the recruitment recipe that can’t be overlooked. If you underestimate the amount of time you need to excel in these areas, your growth will not only be slow but also severely undercooked.

With that in place your recruitment business is now ready to soak in success. Your attention will now be on making your business different – the icing on the cake so to speak. Like chefs, each business needs a signature dish. In recruitment, business acquisition, customer retention, sound branding and awareness and nailing the candidate experience isn’t just a side – it’s the starter, mains and the dessert and each needs to be nurtured and glazed.

Yes, the proof is in the pudding, but by following the right ‘Recruitment Business Recipe’ you now have all of the ingredients you need to take your business to the next level.

There’s a Mary Berry in all of us.