Start-up Agency 0-6 months

Established Agency 6 months plus

Want to start up your own recruitment business?


You’re not alone. At some point in our working lives, most of us will identify with the lyrics of Dolly Parton’s ‘9 to 5’ song,   “when you feel you’re just a step on the boss man’s ladder”.  However, in reality, how many of us have taken the big step to break free?

What motivates a recruiter to start up their own recruitment business?

A better life?

Being rewarded for your efforts?

Control over your working life?

Over the past 15 years, we’ve helped many recruiters start their own businesses. Each entrepreneur has their own story to tell. Quite often there’s a combination of reasons. Can you identify with any of these?

Spotting a gap in the market

You could be working within a specialist sector and spot a gap in the market. This has given many recruiters the motivation to start their own business. Whatever the opportunity, your proposed market solution is something you believe will set you apart from the competition.

It could stem from a genuine desire to help others. Some recruiters have worked in areas where they have perceived a genuine lack of ethically driven worker solutions.  Others want to capitalize on their expertise and offer a broader service to a specific client base. It’s all about seeing opportunities and creating value. These recruiters challenge the norm and are fully committing to building a business from their ideas.

Make more money

You may be a top biller in your current role. However, lining other people’s pockets isn’t something you want to do long term. An experienced recruiter, with an extensive network of contacts, you’re confident that this is your time to build something of your own.

Some recruiters go into partnership with previous colleagues, potentially reducing financial risk and getting things done faster. Some partners bring complementary skill sets to the business, such as HR experience and languages.

Call the shots

You’ve had enough of working for other recruitment businesses and want to take control of your own destiny. This may stem from a desire to have more flexibility in your working life; from choosing where you work to creating your own culture. Some recruiters may have had a negative experience of working for someone else and thought they could do better themselves. Whilst others have reached a senior role within a large agency and are looking for new challenges.

Believe in yourself

Whatever your motivation, whether it’s financial independence or the desire to be your own boss, it’s crucial to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and to have the self confidence to sell it to others.  Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right”. Self-belief is a common trait among those who have went on to start up their own successful recruitment businesses. It’s all about having the focus and energy to drive your business forward.

Think before you act

Running your own show requires a strategic mindset that has the capacity to take a view of the business as a whole. This doesn’t mean you have to be an expert in all functional areas of a business. There are companies who are specialists in supporting recruitment start-ups, from financial to back-office solutions.

Ready when you are

Therefore, if you’re seriously thinking about setting up your own recruitment business, start taking a look at what you need to do to make things happen.

Download your copy of our StartUp Guide or contact us today.  In the words of Mark Twain, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” He’s right.