Start-up Agency 0-6 months

Established Agency 6 months plus

Switching from full-time employment to self-employment


Are you considering switching to totally freelance or self-employed employment from your current work? It’s not just you. It’s a no-brainer considering that the typical freelancer earns about 45% more than the standard job. Numerous advantages come with being your own boss, including the flexibility to pick the projects you want to concentrate on and flexible working hours. An essential benefit of working for yourself is that all of the money you charge is yours. Money is divided in a million ways within a company or organisation, and you might not always get your fair share. Money is a significant drive in self-employment, but it isn’t everything.

How to start your own business

Though it might be frightening, switching from a 9 to 5 job to self-employment is an extraordinary accomplishment. We have some advice to help you get started, whether you want to launch your own business or work for yourself.

  1. What drives you to start?

It takes much grit and drives to transition from working for an agency or a large company to working for yourself. This is why explaining your motivations for starting your own business is essential. Being self-employed may provide you with all these benefits, whether you desire more free time to spend with your family, the concept of working remotely, or are enthusiastic about your company idea.

  1. Think forward

When it comes to making a job change, having a strategy for the upcoming months is essential. Determine your future self and your goals for the next several months. If you’re considering going freelance or starting a small business, start by researching suppliers and compiling a list of potential clients. Whatever route you choose toward self-employment, having a detailed strategy guarantees that you’ll stick to your schedule and achieve your deadlines.

  1. Use your leisure time wisely

Make the most of your leisure time by launching your own business. It’s always a good idea to start, whether you want to build up a few clients before leaving your present work or send out some ideas. Dip your toes into the self-employment waters by mailing out some ideas to prospects or completing some small assignments for clients. Make the most of your time and operate productively from home to establish your freelancing company behind the scenes.

  1. Plan your finances

One advantage of remaining with a 9-5 job is that your money is consistent. This isn’t always the case when you’re self-employed. To begin, you may find yourself short on funds, so we recommend saving away some money each month before leaving your employment. You’ll have a safety net to fall back on in this manner.

Financial service companies are another excellent option. Bringing in specialists from the alternative finance industry will provide you with quick access to funds to pay contractors and money to build the business. For example, at Simplicity, we offer 100% funding for PAYE, contractors, and permanent placements.

Learn more about Recruitment Specific Finance and how it may assist you in getting started HERE.

  1. Self-management

There are several distinctions between working for oneself and an agency or a corporation. Management is a significant distinction. When you work for yourself, you must manage yourself. Thus acquiring a few self-management skills will significantly assist you in meeting deadlines. Don’t overlook this stage since no one wants to be swamped by an unmanageable workload.

  1. Make the leap

Now comes the pivotal moment: transitioning from a solid job to self-employment. So you’ve got a customer list, some money saved up, and you’re ready to start your freelance business. It may take some time to get started, and you may need to put in some extra hours for those new clients, but it will get easier. You’ll wish you’d moved sooner in the following months.

Find out everything you need to know about starting and running your own successful recruitment business by downloading our getting started guide.


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