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7 stages to a foolproof Rec 2 Rec hiring procedure


Your start-up recruitment business has taken off, and you’re starting to find there are not enough hours in the day to nurture existing client relationships, let alone look for new ones. It’s now time to take on talented individuals to help grow your business. Just like any other industry, it has been said for years that Recruiters are so experienced in Recruiting for other businesses that when it comes to their own recruitment, they fall short or never get round to it at all. This is why rec 2 rec agencies exist.

The internal hiring procedure can be quite time-consuming (that’s why companies pay you to do it for them in the first place). The good news is that practically every recruiting campaign can be broken down into seven easy phases—many of which you will already be acquainted with.

Here’s a one-stop resource you may refer to again and again. Perfect for adhering to regulations, executing a failsafe recruitment process, and employing the best individuals to last and save money in the long term.

Determine what you need

What is the secret to attaining what you want? Knowing what you’re looking for. That is when excellent planning comes into play. Making sure you have a thorough grasp of the position you’re recruiting for will make the remainder of the recruitment process easier and faster since you’ll be able to immediately evaluate who has the necessary expertise to fulfil the function effectively. It also ensures that applicants have a clear purpose and defined goals for the role, reducing any doubt about where they fit within larger business objectives.

Important questions to consider:

  • What is the necessity for a new employee?
  • What will the successful candidate’s tasks and responsibilities be?
  • Where does this position fit in the larger business structure?
  • What talents or abilities are necessary to perform well in the role?
  • Use your company objectives to discover emerging business sectors, then decide on the talents you’ll need to succeed.
  • Employers frequently prioritise sophisticated digital and technological skills, but you should also explore bringing in people with diverse backgrounds.

Create a job description and a personnel specification

These are descriptions of the job you want to fill and the sort of individual you’re looking for.

They will be one of the first things job searchers read when they come across your job posting. Attracting the appropriate candidates throughout the recruitment process is mostly dependent on getting these two papers correct, so it’s worth devoting effort to them before proceeding to the following phases.

  • Include important tasks in the job description to offer a solid concept of what the function entails and a sense of who they’d be working with and what success looks like.
  • Individual requirements assist you in characterising the abilities and attitudes that will thrive in the position.

Decide where to promote

Firstly, look at your Employer Branding, make sure your employer brand and messaging appeal to your target audience, especially on social media. A well-known brand is a key selling advantage for bright job seekers. To recruit individuals who will fit your company’s culture, be honest and clear about it.

You can publicise your position on job boards, internally, on social media, or with the help of an expert. We’ll go over the pros and cons of each.

Job boards
  • Pros: A simple way to get your opening in front of thousands of registered job searchers.
  • Cons: You may wind up with hundreds of CVs to sort through, as people spam their CVs out in the hope of being hired.
  • Pros: The person you’re looking for might be there in front of you! They save time and money on recruitment costs, encourage workers through opportunity provision, and are already incorporated into the business’s culture and rhythm.
  • Cons: For some jobs, bringing in a new viewpoint or set of talents might add depth to your team’s capabilities.
Social Media
  • Pros: LinkedIn is the number one social site for recruiting and screening prospects, with approximately 740 million professionals present, surpassing Facebook and Twitter, and enables exact tailoring of information to the skills and knowledge necessary for a position.
  • Cons: Your company page should have high-quality information – the platform is as much for applicants to see whether your business is the perfect fit for them as it is for you to see if they are suited for your company.
Support from a specialist

Suppose you are already trying to fit everything in during the recruiting process. In that case, you might think of considering outsourcing to a rec 2 rec agency, especially if you are serious about finding the appropriate individual.

  • Pros: A professional rec 2 rec agency can handle everything while allowing you to retain control over critical decisions.
  • Cons: The costs of hiring recruiting consultants might be prohibitively expensive, especially for small organisations. On the other hand, using an expert may both enhance and speed up the process, giving you vital time back to focus on other aspects of your organisation.

Examine your applications

Good applicants should swiftly demonstrate how their experience is relevant to the vacant post. So go over your job description and person specification again to remind yourself what you’re searching for. Don’t be embarrassed by scan-reading programmes. Your applicants must demonstrate their eligibility as soon as feasible. And, believe us, after reading approximately 100 CVs, you’ll be able to identify the standout prospects from a mile away.

Wildcards will always be used, no matter how beautifully your job description and person specification are written. And they should not be dismissed all the time. On the contrary, flexibility, when used wisely, may yield dividends.

Holding interviews

The interview is a vital part of the recruiting process since it provides crucial contact time with your applicants. Therefore, preparation is essential for getting the most out of the talk. Enter knowing what talking topics are most necessary to address, such as highlights from their CV or application and critical requirements for the position. We’re also seeing a quick evolution of the interview process due to new video technology.

Candidates’ expectations evolve the same way as customer expectations, with a greater need for accessible, mobile experiences that seamlessly transition between digital and physical engagements with a business. Therefore, it’s worthwhile to investigate how new tools and technology might improve the applicant experience throughout the process.

Interview Pointers

  • Prepare questions that will allow you to go further into each applicant’s professional experience to see how well they may fit your position.
  • Avoid asking abstract questions only to see how they react; instead, make the conversation relevant to the position rather than testing nerves for the sake of testing nerves.
  • Keep in mind interviews are a two-way street. Your candidate will be seeking to see if your company is a good fit for their career. Remember to be polite and promote the benefits of the position and the organisation.

Checking references, drafting a contract, and extending the job offer

After you’ve narrowed down your top applicants, it’s time to verify their references. Many businesses overlook this phase in the hiring process, but it is critical to examine your candidate’s past to ensure they are what they claim to be. (Hiring the incorrect individual might be quite expensive.)

If all is in order, you will have to prepare an employment contract. Again, you’ll most likely have a template that may be customised according to income, holiday entitlement and general requirements.

As your new rising star settles in, greet them warmly

Being a newcomer may be awkward, stressful, and unsettling. So here are our top recommendations for creating a friendly business culture, establishing a strong first impression, and earning big loyalty points by making an extra effort to assist your new hire to settle in:

  • Get the fundamentals right: Do they know where the restrooms are? Or what the plans are for lunch? Assign a colleague to teach them the ropes and serve as a point of contact for any additional queries (it’s difficult to take it all in at once!).
  • Take them out to lunch and discuss non-work topics. This is an excellent time to distinguish yourself and get your relationship off to a good start. It’s astounding how many businesses make mistakes here.
  • Meet the team. Make sure meetings with their core team are scheduled in the first week so they can meet everyone. It also helps them grasp duties and responsibilities early on, so they can get started right away.
  • Feedback: Gather feedback on your onboarding procedures to continuously learn, guide, and adapt the processes for each new hire.

It isn’t easy to conduct a recruitment procedure on one’s own. However, when you have a proven method to follow, you will have more time to focus on the crucial things, such as finding a candidate that will match your business, your budget, and the job you are recruiting for.

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