Start-up Agency 0-6 months

Established Agency 6 months plus

A Day at the Races – Simplicity Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary in Style!


As many of you know, June marks Simplicity’s 10th year in business and so to celebrate our on-going success, we decided to say a big thank you to the team by taking them for a day at the races where they enjoyed a picturesque, first class view of the course and a fabulous four course meal before watching the legendary Jools Holland and his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra perform live!

To celebrate a 10th anniversary is a brilliant achievement, especially when you consider the economic slowdown and the struggles that businesses have faced throughout the recession. Without the support and dedication of our staff, Simplicity wouldn’t be where it is today and so we wanted to have a celebration which matched our gratitude and recognised our appreciation for everyone who has contributed to our decade of success.

Part of the evening was made up of a ceremony in which we recognised some recent successes and rewarded some of our top performers. We sponsored two races, I got my face on the big screen and a chosen few even got to meet the man himself, Jools Holland, but sadly, nobody won big on the horses!

I’m proud to say though, from a standing start, the business has grown significantly and we now provide innovative solutions to hundreds of recruitment businesses. Whether they are fledgling start-ups or larger organisations, we work to ensure they are able to experience growth and minimise their financial risk.

Much of the company’s success has been due to our ability to diversify our offering. As the recruitment industry has evolved, so too have the needs of recruitment business owners. Our ability to react and respond to these changes means that we present recruitment owners with excellent, relevant solutions to solve the day to day issues they are faced with.

With the industry once again returning to a strong period of growth, the escalating war on talent is creating fierce competition amongst recruiters. Having access to the right funding at the right time can make the difference between a recruiter gaining that all-important competitive advantage, or simply becoming an also-ran, struggling to keep up with the pace and the competition.

With this in mind, as a recruitment business owner looking to achieve greater success, your safe bet is on Simplicity. Just don’t ask us to pick any horses!