For a temp agency, skilful administration is essential for operational efficiency. It’s not just about maintaining contact details; the pivotal information – like worker availability, specialisation, Right to Work documents, worked hours, job history, and payment particulars –
After a rather hot summer, Autumn is officially here, and so is one of the busiest times of year in recruitment. The January blues and the “September effect” are extremely similar. In addition, people have recently returned from
5 myths that stop you from starting a recruitment business The recruitment industry is expanding quickly. A record-high number of new companies are now opening their doors. Companies House data shows that over 6,000 recruiting businesses were established
Fraud in your supply-chain – HMRC vs YOU Many in the Temp recruitment market have complained, quite reasonably, that they cannot compete with those in the industry who use “Contractors” and “Umbrella Companies”, which in their opinion flagrantly
In light of the IR35 legislation applied from April 2021, more and more workers are being forced or opting to be paid Pay As You Earn (PAYE). So we have put together a guide to help recruiters understand